Sunday, April 1, 2007


Just a little update on how things are going.
Called bank today. Found out they don't believe in answering machines. Did find out that they are closed both Saturday and Sunday. That being said, found out I have training on Sat. May be able to leave around one, so plan to start Sat. in the afternoon. Sunday will be all day.
The bank opens at 7:30 am on Monday, so I'll give them a call befoer school then.

If you've actually read the script, please tell me because I'm tired of trying to guess who's actually part of this club and who's just in it for the movie watching.


Guest - Ryan
Room Service Man - (John Boatwright) *friend of mine, going to email in a few minutes to see if he's game.

Maintenance Guy - (Bertucci) *still need to see if he'll do it.
Man - (Giancarlo) *think he'll do it? Anyone have his email?
Woman - Ann

Magician - (James Caldwell) *still need to talk
Man - Ben


We need a Room Service-like jacket. And does anyone have one of those bell hop type hats?
If I do not get a response to this by 6:00 pm, I will be calling you PERSONALLY. Don't make me have to act like your babysitter.

A big thanks for everyone that came to last Friday's meeting and signed up for the 'A Dog's Breakfast' Screening. So that you all know how cool it is, here are a few things for you to watch:

David Hewlett and Paul McGillion:
The Official Movie Trailer:
A Clip from the A.D.B. Movie: ("Starcrossed")
And because it's just too damn funny:
-snort- I love them both so much XD. They're just so funny together.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Next Week

Hey everyone. The number of people that showed up for Friday's meeting was simply pathetic. Four. Come on, guys. I told you all that I would have some of the script for you all to look at and we get the lowest output club history. We need to step it up if we want to finish this thing on time.

Art Show, Sunday March 25th
One Congress Place
111 Congress Av.
Time: 1-3 pm.

Check it out. I have a piece in it as do our other friends. Taylor and I will be discussing aspects of the script to pass the time, so if you see us, pop on over for a sec., eh?

Also, A Dog's Breakfast. We are so close to getting a screening here! Mr. Hewlett and I have been in talks and we just need more people to Request A Screening. Of course, I've had over fifty people tell me that they'll get right on it, but at the moment, it has been more action than talk. If ADB came to Austin, it would be a once-in-a-lifetime (for many of us) chance to really ask questions about the different aspects of Independent Filmmaking, the business, hardships/values/victories, etc. that I am sure would be very educational to all of us.

And speaking of educational, David has written a short article with some great jewels of wisdom, so check it out:

Here is also a O&A that is most enlightening...and really funny ^^;:

You can watch the very beginning of it here, but once they start asking questions I would switch back to the former link:

Sooo, yeah. There will be a meeting on Monday to go over the first installment of the script. Two 'sketches' happen to be on Flower's computer as I typed them up on the plane to Rep. of Georgia (when my eyes were blurring from exhaustion and lack of sleep, but that I had promised myself that I would finish typing up what I had written before I would allow myself to rest...), so I may not have that by Monday -working on it-.

Now, if you've actually been reading this blog, please post a comment. I would like to know if I'm wasting my time and looking back at previous posts, it surely is leaning in that direction.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Tomorrow is Friday, folks, and you know what that means? Meeting time! *yay* I've written up a couple of sketches/predicaments and will have them for you all to read.

Many of you have been asking about my trip to the Republic of Georgia and I am here to tell you that I am in the process of compiling and sifting through all of our 3200+ pictures and countless hours of footage in order to make a really cool presentation for anyone interested. I will be showing it at one of the film club meetings after it is complete, so be sure to check in here once in a while to catch the date I'll be showing it!
Also, is anyone going to McDonald Observatory with Astronomy Club from March 29th to April 1st? I want to film it and was wondering if I had an extra camera hand to literally "give me a hand" *har dee har*. If you are, please comment. Thanx!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

While we're gone...

Alright, kiddies. Jacob, Christina, Laura and I will be off on a 'Location Shoot' in the Republic of Georgia until the 19th of March *wink*. And you know what that means? It means that you can check up on us at
[]!!! (oh, my!)

So, while we're gone, I really do need people to do a little bit of Location shooting back here. Go to your nearest hotel (or one that you happen to be passing) and take pictures of the elevator and the lobby. At least ten pictures of the interior/exterior. Don't forget to snap a few of the ceiling and the floor as well as the buttons. And feel free to take a ride as a reward ;D

I will still have email, so feel free to drop a line or message me your finds. We will not have our cell phones and I'm sure Flowers would go through with his promise to sell Jacob and me to Chetchnia if I gave you all his. So, email is the best idea for everyone involved ^_^;

Have a fantastic Spring Break, don't forget to totally rock at SXSW and, most importantly, if you have not yet requested a screening at for Austin...well, let's just say those Georgian sword dancers might give me a few ideas...>) *innocent smirk*

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

New Members

Welcome Deanna, Chelsea and Glen to our humble little Film Club! Glad to have you ^^.

If anyone is going to SXSW in the next week, please take lots of pictures and bring your video cameras to capture all the excitement. Ironically (and demmed unfortunate, too), I will be in the Republic of Georgia for the festival and will be unable to attend. That is why we need our Field Agents to go out and capture it all for, for Film Club. Yeah, that's it ;D

Also, don't forget to check out, make an account and Request A Screening for Austin, Texas! We ALL want this movie to come to town, eh?! >)

I want this so badly as well ;D

Caption reads : (because even a fake show deserves fans)

Monday, March 5, 2007


I should be doing homework right now, but WWI will still be there by the time I'm finished with this post ;D Tomorrow and for the rest of this week, Film Club will be meeting before school to discuss points and ideas on the email I sent out and to which many of ya'll have been kind enough to message back -loving pat on head-. I have not been able to give them the attention and deeply concentrated thought I usually put into everyone's replies, but I have read them all over. Be prepared for the rest of the week, please. But, if you need to go to another club during the week before school, by all means do not let me keep you.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

I want one...

So...who wants to buy me one? *heart*